Originally published in 1979, this book is the result of a Wiese family reunion. Initially, it was merely supposed to cover the immediate family or the children of Fred and Hulda Wiese. However, the search quickly expanded to encompass many more family members. Much of the information was yielded by the living children and grandchildren of Carl and Minna Wiese who came to the United States from Germany in 1869, leaving a farm that had been registered since 1689 and is still in the possession of a Chris Wiese. This work is full of well-documented facts such as: ship's logs, U.S. census records, church records, and wills. It also includes a genealogical table, citizenship papers, military records, emigration papers, family bibles, marriage records, etc. Maps and family photographs abound. Although the information contained within this book is a good mix of "both hazy memories as well as documented evidence," the author suggests that the reader "take into consideration that if time and age have distorted the facts and truths, these memories are better than knowing nothing."
O'Levia Neil Wilson Wiese
(1979, 1998), 2009, 8.5" x 11", paper, index, 266 pp.
ISBN: 9780788408311